Justice in Action
About Justice in Action
Justice in Action is an interfaith, grassroots justice coalition of over 20 faith communities in Lincoln/Lancaster County, Nebraska.
We harness the power of organized people to address big community problems. Our issue campaigns include Criminal Justice Reform, Mental Health, and Affordable Housing. At our first Nehemiah Action Assembly, we gathered over 1,100 organized people to present our research and ask our public officials to adopt our proposals!
Contact one of our organizers for more information.
Current Membership
Antelope Park Church of the Brethren
Christ United Methodist Church
Denton UMC
Eastridge Presbyterian
First Plymouth Congregational Church
First Presbyterian Church
First UMC of Lincoln
First UMC of Waverly
Holy Trinity Episcopal
Horizons Community Church
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Neighbors UMC
New Hope UMC
New Visions UMC
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
South Gate UMC
St. David’s Episcopal
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church
St. Mark’s on the Campus Episcopal
Trinity United Methodist Church
Unitarian Church of Lincoln
About Justice in Action
Lead Organizer: Rev. Beth Graverholt
(402) 937-1974
Associate Organizer: Olivia Butts
(402) 937-1974
(785) 648-0903
PO Box 6113
Lincoln, NE 68506