December 11, 2017. WKYT.
LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – People from 26 congregations gathered Monday night at Second Presbyterian Church to discuss how drugs have impacted their communities.
“Heroin addiction, heroin overdoses, people get hit by cars right there on Leestown Road because they’re strung out. All of these issues revolve around the same problem,” said Pastor Rick Smith from Historic Second Christian Church in Midway.
Last month, members of Building a United Interfaith Lexington through Direct-Action (BUILD) voted to address the drug problem in 2018.
On Monday night, they began brainstorming by making a list of people who would be best to talk with when conducting their research.
“Find out, what is out there? What’s wrong in our community? Why are people addicted to drugs? Is there enough treatment,” said, Belinda Snead from Consolidated Baptist Church.
By asking those questions, members hope to have facts that will help them identify the problem, understand it, and take action.
“We want to make sure that everyone has a fair shake in our city,” Snead said.
During the next few months, leaders will meet with people close to the issue and narrow their focus. In May, they will present their findings to thousands at the annual Nehemiah Action Assembly.
View original article.