Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityHOPE State attorney works to improve Juvenile Civil Citation program in Hillsborough
Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityFAITH Civil citations to be used more to keep children from compiling Florida criminal records
BREADCriminal Justice Reform & Police Accountability B.R.E.A.D. Organization requests meetings with mayor, police union
BREADCriminal Justice Reform & Police Accountability ‘Caravan of Change’ takes a peaceful protest to Columbus streets
CAJMCriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityMinority Rights Will North Charleston City Council move toward a NCPD racial bias audit?
CAJMCriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityMinority Rights Groups demand investigation of police force, racial bias audit after release of video
Affordable HousingCAJECriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityMental Health Care & Addiction In virtual rally, CAJE calls for crime analysis and action on housing, mental health
Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityJustice MattersMinority Rights Why did Kansas officials threaten opponents of jail expansion with a $3 million bond?
CAJMCriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityMinority Rights Commentary: North Charleston Police Department still needs a racial bias audit
Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityJustice Matters Group files suit to compel vote on jail
CAJMCriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityMinority Rights How the fight for racial justice pushed Charleston beyond the segregated hour
Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityJustice KnoxMental Health Care & Addiction ‘It’s a major problem’ Justice Knox meets to discuss mental illness crisis behind bars
Affordable HousingCAJMCriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityPublic Education ImprovementPublic Transportation Hundreds attend Charleston Area Justice Ministry assembly to discuss community problems
Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityTopeka JUMP Neighborhood Peace Walk touted as ‘first step’ in bringing community together, deterring violent crime in Topeka