Affordable HousingCriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityEnvironmental JusticeFAST Faith-based network continues holding local officials accountable
Affordable HousingLIFE Lee Interfaith For Empowerment meets with Fort Myers city council on affordable housing
CLOUTCriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityMinority Rights Activist group concerned about delay in Louisville’s ‘reconciliation strategy’
Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilitySURE Sarasota faith leaders call for an end to ‘criminalizing poverty’
Affordable HousingLIFE Group preps for second meeting with Fort Myers City Council on Affordable Housing Fund
Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityICARE Jacksonville faith organization asks JSO to reduce arrests for nonviolent crimes
CAJMEconomic OpportunityHealthcare ProvisionsMinority RightsPublic Education Improvement Charleston approves amended racial conciliation commission
Mental Health Care & AddictionTopeka JUMP Honoring Black History: How Topeka JUMP aims to make systemic changes