Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityJustice MattersMental Health Care & Addiction Proposition 1 foes will urge county to move forward with behavioral health campus, hire consultant to review criminal justice system
DrugsIMPACT The Women’s Center at Moores Creek; Region Ten’s beacon of hope in fighting women’s addictions
Affordable HousingIMPACT Religious-Based Group Wants City to Incentivize Developers to Provide Affordable Homes
BUILDDrugs Should Lexington B.U.I.L.D. a better needle exchange? ‘Yes,’ say 2,000 people in 26 congregations.
Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityJustice Matters Douglas County voters reject controversial countywide sales tax; leaders say jail project will proceed after public input
BUILDCriminal Justice Reform & Police Accountability Lexington B.U.I.L.D. Group Gets City Backing on Violence Reduction Initiative
BUILDCriminal Justice Reform & Police Accountability Faith community calls on Lexington mayor to work with anti-violence group
BUILDCriminal Justice Reform & Police Accountability ‘Not safe in my own home.’ Thousands call for solutions to violence in Lexington
Affordable HousingCAJE Evansville affordable housing: ‘If it’s not a crisis, it will be one at any point’
Affordable HousingBREAD Lack of safe, affordable housing for low-income people in Columbus focus of Nehemiah Action event
Affordable HousingCAJM Seven local officials commit to help fix Charleston’s affordable housing crisis at annual CAJM gathering
Affordable HousingJustice KnoxMinority RightsPublic Education Improvement Justice Knox: Churches press officials on affordable housing, school suspensions
Affordable HousingCAJM Charleston ministries push elected officials to forge new affordable housing plans