Affordable HousingCriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityMental Health Care & AddictionMORE JusticeViolence MORE Justice holds rally to address mental health, affordable housing, and gun violence in the Midlands
CAJECriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityMental Health Care & Addiction Vanderburgh county commissioners form committee for American Rescue Act funding
CAJECriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityMental Health Care & Addiction CAJE seeking support for Crisis Care Center
Affordable HousingRISC Audit identifies issues with Richmond department that oversees Affordable Housing Trust Fund
Affordable HousingRISC Affordable housing advocates respond to Stoney’s budget proposal: ‘Not going to cut it’
CAJECriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityMental Health Care & Addiction Emphasis on mental health care must be part of Vanderburgh’s jail strategy, advocates say
CAJMCriminal Justice Reform & Police Accountability Local group calls for new council that can divert police funding
Affordable HousingFAST Affordable housing funds in Pinellas for mixed income projects? Advocates say it’s not solving the problem.
Affordable HousingFAST Faith-based coalition says Pinellas commissioners broke a promise on affordable housing
BREADEnvironmental JusticePEACE Palm Beach Laudato Si’ Platform rollout, diocesan farm for poor highlighted at social justice conference
BREADCriminal Justice Reform & Police Accountability Columbus can’t move fast enough to change police division culture