BOLD JusticeCriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityHealthcare ProvisionsMental Health Care & Addiction Social justice group to focus on senior abuse in nursing homes
Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityICAREMinority RightsPublic Education Improvement Jacksonville Faith Community To Push City Leaders On Criminal Justice Reform
Affordable HousingMinority RightsPublic Education ImprovementSURE Seidman: Answering to the common folk
Affordable HousingCriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityHOPE Faith groups ask for affordable housing and criminal justice reform
CLOUTMental Health Care & Addiction Advocates Ask Metro Council To Protect City Funding For ‘The Living Room’
Affordable HousingSURE Nineteen Congregations come together to discuss the affordable housing crisis in Sarasota
Affordable HousingCAJE Local groups work to bring attention to affordable housing crisis in Posey County
CAJMCriminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityMinority Rights Firm seeks community’s input for racial bias in Charleston Police Department
Affordable HousingCAJM Housing prices still unaffordable for most in Charleston region, burdening workforce
Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityJustice MattersMinority Rights Opponents of Douglas County Jail expansion not assuaged by cheaper plan
Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityJustice MattersMinority RightsPublic Education Improvement Restorative justice events planned to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.
Criminal Justice Reform & Police AccountabilityICAREPublic Education Improvement Friday Editorial: ICARE remains a powerful voice